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Der einzige kritische Blog über Themen der Sexarbeit und des Prostitutionsrechts in Österreich aus Wien. ist ein Service der | high class teen escort agency und desmdm.

Equal Rights and the Sex Work Industry in Vienna

The Struggle for Equality

This community of sex workers has been missing equal rights forever, never getting a chance to stand up in unity and pride. The government’s recent actions only serve to exacerbate this inequality.

Vienna’s New Legislation

The government of Vienna has declared it illegal for sex workers to talk about sex without protection. This new ban on advertising sex without protection (AO-Service) is seen as a knee-jerk reaction by lawmakers, reflecting a lack of interest in addressing a major problem in society.

The Risks of Unprotected Sex

Unprotected sex transmits diseases, and the risk is particularly high among sex workers offering AO-Service. The state’s intervention through the advertising ban is broad, affecting not only sex workers but also anyone connected to them.

Freedom of Speech Under Attack

The ban is criticized as a violation of free speech, pushing the issue further underground without solving the problem. Nothing is ever gained from forbidding public discussion about significant issues. Essentially, forbidding the promotion of unprotected sex between clients and sex workers restricts freedom of speech, destroying the opportunity to reach out and inform.

The Underground Reality

Pushing sex workers further away from society and into the underground is nothing new for these individuals, who know how to work without changing anything away from the public eye. It seems that this was also the goal of the legislator.

Safety Measures in Austria

State programs for regular STD testing are mandatory in Austria for sex workers, making it one of the safest places to engage with a sex worker. However, the recent legislation may undermine these safety measures by driving the industry further underground.


The situation calls for a more compassionate and thoughtful approach, including the inclusion of sex workers in decision-making, the establishment of counseling centers, and societal change to combat stigmatization and discrimination against sex workers. Only through understanding and collaboration can effective solutions be found to protect the health, safety, and dignity of over three thousand sex workers in Vienna who go about their work unnoticed.